Anime Expo 2019 Cosplay Fun Character List

Anime Expo 2019 Cosplay Fun Character List

Anime and Manga fans are all around the world. In the by two decades, we've seen a huge smash in this industry, and it's e'er-growing. People just can't get enough of the aesthetically pleasing anime with ane of the best stories out at that place. Surprisingly, the trend of Anime Expo, Convention & events get a trend in no time!

Just wait around in your neighborhood, I am sure that you'll detect an anime fan. The sole idea of jubilant anime at a party promotes a fun culture in which a lot of otakus partake in cosplaying as well. And then how large of a convention can take place in the earth? Nosotros are almost to detect out.

As a boyfriend Otaku, I'1000 going to talk about the Height 27+ Best Anime Expo, Conventions & Events in the World! Then buckle your seatbelts and grab some popcorn because it is going to be a fun ride.

Table of Contents

28. Anime NYC

Temper: 7

Quality: 7

Uniqueness: 5

Points: xix

We are starting off our list from anime NYC. Every bit the name suggests, this is 1 of the earth'south largest anime conventions that happen every yr in the urban center of New York. There'due south a lot to beloved about anime NYC. The whole anime NYC upshot culture started in 2017, and they got such massive attention that information technology turned into a trend.

Living in the US and being an anime fan. What's stopping yous from attending this awesome expo that happens every year? Almost 20,000 people join this outcome every year, and this three-day anime convention gives the participants a chance to showcase their cosplay skills while immersing themselves in the anime culture.

About of the time, Otakus from all over the US visit this convention and clothes upwardly every bit their favorite anime character. The best thing almost anime NYC is that anyone tin can bring together information technology. People of all ages are respected and information technology'south a very fun atmosphere to partake in.

Fun Fact:

Anime NYC takes security seriously! You won't come across any weaponry aside from the usual cosplay materials. Relish the show.

27. Madman Anime Festival, Australia

Atmosphere: 7

Quality: 6

Uniqueness: 7

Points: 20

Welcome to the world of anime where y'all'll experience a top-notch civilization held past Commonwealth of australia's two biggest leading anime organizations. Without the Madman Anime Festival, no anime convention list can be completed due to the fact that it provides such a dainty environs for people to savor together.

This convention is held in Melbourne, and if you thought that Australia wasn't having many anime fans, and then you're living under a rock. Information technology is an exquisite anime expo to meet awesome anime fans that are just like you! Aside from that, they too invite some special guests like vox actors, the biggest cosplayers from all around the earth, and even visitor owners.

The best thing about the Madman expo is that you'll find a huge range of shops offering anime merch from all over the world. Therefore, you can take stuff with y'all too!

Fun Fact

This anime convention is arranged by Australia's leading anime companies including AnimeLab and Madman Amusement. Are y'all surprised? I was.

26. Sakura-Con

Atmosphere: 6

Quality: 7

Uniqueness: seven

Points: twenty

One of the earliest anime conventions that started in the US is Sakura-Con. It is ane of the largest anime events that happen in Washington DC every twelvemonth. You'll find more than 25,000 visitors every year, and it is a three-day effect for the fans to savor and partake.

There's a whole history of Sakura-Con as it started fashion before anime was even popular, worldwide. You'll discover a diverseness of awesome cosplays and anime fans that are passionate nearly enjoying this iii-day event. Living in Washington as an anime fan and not visiting Sakura-Con is your biggest error!

In the past, Sakura-Con was also known equally Baka-Con. Nosotros all know that Baka means stupid! All the same, due to the pandemic, this year Sakura-Con is canceled, but we hope to visit this awesome convention sometime in the future. For people who are passionate nigh Sakura-Con and have been post-obit anime for a long time, this place will be a blessing for you.

Fun Fact:

Sakura-Con was created in 1998 by local anime fans who were struggling to make anime pop. They made their own convention to promote the culture. Such powerful ninjas!

25. Anime Matsuri

Atmosphere: five

Quality: 6

Uniqueness: 9

Points: 20

The world's 2d-largest anime convention in the U.s.a. is Anime Matsuri. Beingness held in Texas, every twelvemonth, fans are eager to see what they offer. The best thing nearly Anime Matsuri is that information technology offers a lot on the plate for us. Then, for all the weebs out there, what are yous waiting for? (KIDDING, NO DISRESPECT.)

In 2022, there were some controversies nigh Anime Matsuri that cut down the active xl,000 attendees to equally lilliputian equally 29,000. However, the fans didn't stop. It is however 1 of the world's largest Anime Events happening every year too.

The anime reality bear witness called 'Heroes of Cosplay' had a full episode shot in this anime convention, and information technology was nice to see that Anime Matsuri got its exposure due to the uniqueness it offers. There's a whole lot to dearest about this anime expo. Every year, they host the Godzilla store that incorporates a handful of anime merch that everyone will be pleased to await at.

All in all, 1 of the largest anime expos all around that world that makes it worth it by all means.

Fun Fact:

Anime Matsuri was inaugurated in 1998, making it ane of the earliest anime conventions all around the world.

24. Youmacon

Temper: 9

Quality: vi

Uniqueness: 6

Points: 21

In the state of Michigan, this convention is popular for breaking records! Youmacon is i of the largest anime cons in the US. However, they similar to play middlemen. In their advertisements, you volition find them to be totally humble! Hence, Youmacon also takes rules and regulations pretty seriously likewise.

You won't come across a drunkard person or any sort of arms burn down in the issue. Moreover, Youmacon also promotes safety, a fun environs, and cleanliness to make sure that no one complains about annihilation.

In add-on to being ane of the largest anime expos in the Usa, they also agree gaming conventions besides. Y'all'll exist surprised to encounter the beauty of cosplayers who invest a lot of time in showing the best possible cosplays out in that location.

Every year, more than than 22,000 anime fans gather into the Youmacon, making it a fairly large convention for everyone to enjoy.

Fun Fact:

They heighten a lot of charity to help the world too! Enjoy your time at that place.

23. Anime Friends

Atmosphere: viii

Quality: 6

Uniqueness: 7

Points: 21

1 of the world'southward largest anime conventions happens in S America! While it initially started in Brazil, this expo has expanded itself to a number of countries similar Chile and even Argentina. Moreover, for the most part, it is held in July every twelvemonth, and the stunning cosplays are on a whole other level.

The uniqueness when it comes to characters is unreal. Furthermore, y'all'll likewise see themes like Harry Porte or your favorite anime where you lot can cosplay equally an human action similar the character you love!

In other words, Anime Friends is one of the near unique convocations that you'll encounter anywhere in the world. Having a reputation all over the world, the name doesn't lie. If you're anywhere near South America, Chile, or Argentine, we recommend it every bit it will give you lot a run for your money!

A totally worth it anime event that you'll love to partake.

Fun Fact:

In 2008, there were 120,000 attendees in this convocation, making it one of the largest events in the earth.

22. Otakon

Atmosphere: 5

Quality: 7

Uniqueness: ix

Points: 21

Man, there are a lot of anime fans in the Usa. It figures why there are and then many anime cons happening in Washington. The Otakon occurs in the Walter E. Washington Convention heart every year. It is one of the largest anime cons out at that place that people from all over the US savor.

While the Otakon is unique and there is a lot of branding all over the world, the atmosphere is tightly packed due to the number of visitors joining the place.

From 1999 to 2016, it used to be held in Baltimore Convention Heart in Baltimore. However, in 2017, they changed the identify to the Washington Convention eye, making information technology platonic for people from all over the world to join.

Fun Fact:

More than xc,000 visitors bring together this anime expo regularly! We are looking forward to the next convention after the pandemic.

21. AmeCon

Temper: nine

Quality: seven

Uniqueness: 6

Points: 22

AmeCon is the United kingdom'south largest anime event, and it gave me a chance to take a look at how anime is viewed in the UK. Turns out, AmeCon is fan-organized, and the dear that nosotros get to see from the fans is unreal. Otakus from all over the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland actively bring together this anime con and testify their enthusiasm and interest in cosplaying.

The best function about AmeCon is that it is held past the attendees themselves. Therefore, you won't see the sometime wearisome rule of not having a beer with your friend or not living in the moment while constantly getting afraid by the regime.

When we talk near AmeCon, it has an awesome environment, and you'll honey to see the humble anime lovers from all over the country.

Fun Fact:

This anime con is completely not-profit, and all the money goes into making the adjacent one amend! What a beautiful way of arranging a keen event.

20. Anime Boston

Atmosphere: 7

Quality: vii

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 22

When we talk about love for anime and the Japanese culture, Anime Boston is the prime example. Information technology is a huge anime con with a lot of uniqueness to its very core. As the proper noun suggests, it happens in Boston, Massachusetts, every yr. While it's airtight due to the pandemic, let me explain what they offer.

Anime Boston con started in 2003 and the staff is working hard to brand sure that yous receive the best possible environs and experience while visiting this convention. In addition to anime, J-Pop and J-Stone are actively promoted in this anime expo, making it not only wholesome but too strengthens the bond between people and the Japanese culture.

This has got me thinking about why information technology even started. Upon doing my research, I found out that the main crusade backside things was to promote Japanese civilization while people would savour learning facts about the state!

Fun Fact:

More than 350 active staff members work every twelvemonth to bring Anime Boston to life for people to savor.

19. A-Kon

Atmosphere: 7

Quality: 8

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 23

If you were thinking well-nigh the Rapper Akon, you'll be disappointed. Well, maybe not! Due to the fact that this is an awesome anime convention. The convention occurs in Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Middle, Dallas. People from all over Texas are excited about this expo.

A lot of non-anime fans also partake to have a look at what they're offer. It is an annual 4-day that happens every yr in May or June. However, due to the pandemic, it just couldn't happen this year. It was so sad to run across such an awesome anime con going to waste material! Well, I hope that things will become better side by side year and nosotros'll be able to run across A-Kon in activeness (again, not the rapper.)

This anime event is solely focused on anime and making sure that equally an anime fan, you'll get the best possible experience in Texas. With more than 33,000 active attendance in 2022, a lot of people loved this convention, making it one of the best anime events out at that place.

Fun Fact

It started in 1990 with just 380 agile participants. They have come up a long way, right?

18. Anime Central

Temper: seven

Quality: 9

Uniqueness: 7

Points: 23

In the American Midwest, it is the largest anime convention that happens every year. The event takes identify in spring, and it is one of the most fun expos to join if you're from the midwest. Anime Key is non just express to anime, just you lot'll get to run across a lot of gamers taking place too.

You'll exist stunned to know that a lot of Japanese pop icons also perform to turn it into a live concert too! Fans from all over the midwest would come to visit their favorite idols to support them.

Fun aside, Anime Central too educates the participant on the benefits of normalizing anime and mangas in order. If yous're from the midwest, nosotros suggest you lot must accept office in this convention equally it's an all in i package. The event occurs in Rosemont, Illinois with more than 30,000 active attendees.

Fun Fact:

The fundamental idea to start Anime Central was to heighten awareness almost anime in the Midwest.

17. Anime Festival Asia

Atmosphere: viii

Quality: 7

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 23

If y'all live in Asia and want to go to an anime con, Anime Festival Asia is excellent for you. This festival happens at three locations at iii different times of the year. Right at present, it is closed, but in the time to come, we promise to see some killer conventions happening all over Asia!

This anime con occurs in Thailand, Indonesia, and finally moves to Singapore, making information technology i of the all-time nomadic anime festivals out at that place. A lot of local celebrities likewise as fans from all over Asia join this anime festival. Moreover, the J-POP civilisation is as well promoted, and when we talk about the uniqueness of anime fans, there's a lot to say about information technology.

Classic anime films and series are also played to make the feel more immersive.

Fun Fact:

The latest convention of this con happened in Apr 2022, merely making the deadline before coronavirus. I am glad it didn't crusade a ruckus.

16. Katsucon

Atmosphere: 10

Quality: 7

Uniqueness: half dozen

Points: 23

Some other anime convention from the United states of america includes Katsucon. This iii-day fan convention respects anybody! It doesn't matter if you beloved or hate anime, the sole environment can make y'all fall in dearest with this consequence. People from all over the globe are welcomed in Katsucon, making it a very welcoming Anime Expo.

Katsucon occurs in Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, which is a luxurious place with such a nice environment that everyone seems to love it. In 2022, even the curiosity fans were amongst the anime fans and no i seemed to disrespect each other. Cosplayers from all over the country gather to enjoy this convention and take a party with one of the sickest DJs out there.

Fun Fact:

Katsucon is held somewhere around President day equally a tradition. What a patriotic move!

15. FlameCon

Atmosphere: 8

Quality: half-dozen

Uniqueness: ten

Points: 24

FlameCon is all about portraying the queer character in a convention. This event is solely for the LGBTQ+ community who wants to have fun in their own way. Launched in 2015, this is 1 of the most unique conventions as all of the community will perform every bit their favorite queer character.

Such respect for the people who are property this event, information technology'southward definitely worth noting that the anime culture doesn't care most your gender, colour of the pare, or religion. It's all about having fun together.

Flame con occurs in Manhattan, and it is one of the best initiatives they took for our unique anime fans out in that location. It's all peace, dearest, and positivity in the anime culture.

Fun Fact:

Flame Con is a comic convention.

14. Colossal Con

Temper: ix

Quality: 6

Uniqueness: nine

Points: 24

Nosotros have to give this i a 10/10 for being one of the most unique conventions on our list. Just imagine having a puddle party that is geared towards your favorite thing. ANIME! Only similar the KatsuCon, this one has the best possible location they could offer for an consequence like this.

Jumbo Con is geared towards anime and gaming. You'll get to come across the nigh unique and high-quality cosplays that volition make you jaw drop! Kalahari is known for being the largest waterpark in America. It is an indoor and outdoor waterpark that is very busy in summer. Moreover, Colossal Con occurs in Ohio and Poconos as well.

It's great to meet the diversity of different anime characters out in that location. If yous're seeking some outdoor fun, Colossal Con might be platonic for you.

Fun Fact:

You become admission to go-karts, arcade games, mini-golf, and a lot more in the party scene if y'all join the membership.

thirteen. Anime Nippon

Atmosphere: 7

Quality: 9

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 24

What's a better way to enjoy an anime convention than Nippon? if you're going to visit away for the sole purpose of attending the next big anime con, we suggest yous take a look at Anime Japan. The name itself reeks of perfection.

In other words, Anime Japan is Weeaboos Paradise. Every year, they focus on different themes that are affiliated with anime such as 'Anime 10 Fashion' or 'Anime X Art'. The surroundings is perfect for people who want to enjoy a healthy anime culture while being in the real civilisation of Japan.

While there are a lot of people visiting Anime Nihon every year, the area itself is big enough for a large number of audition. You lot won't be missed out. Don't worry.

Fun Fact:

The event is as well seeking new business ideas and startups to encourage aspiring creators and help them as well.

12. FanimeCon

Atmosphere: seven

Quality: 9

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 24

A rather tricky proper noun on our list is FanimeCon. This effect happens in California, in San Jose. Having more than 34,000 Attendees per year definitely indicates that they are serious when it comes to serving the all-time to the fans.

Fifty-fifty though California has a lot of anime fans, with the right awareness, it can go America'due south largest anime event out in that location. People aren't aware of this convention. That's why information technology didn't hitting the mark.

Merely if nosotros talk about this anime expo, yous'll be stunned to come across the level of uniqueness they provide. Being in California means that yous'll exist visited by a lot of people with unique cosplaying abilities. Fanime is no exception. If you live in the area, yous must cheque it out! Totally worth it.

Fun Fact:

You become to see the most unique cosplays out there!

11. Anime Weekend Atlanta

Atmosphere: x

Quality: 7

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 25

Atlanta is known to exist notorious when it comes to anime fans from all over America. This Anime Weekend is Jam Packed with i of the most eye-catching cosplays from all the America. There are a diverse range of festivals and activities beingness performed in this anime convention that makes it rather unique.

If you're from Atlanta, I suggest you partake in the Anime Weekend as it has a lot of coming together opportunities with fans from all over America. Don't forget to cosplay like a pro. There are a lot of professional cosplayers in Atlanta!

Fun Fact:

This anime con is family-friendly. If you lot want to take your kids or family to the expo, you're more than welcome to bring together!

10. Anime Expo

Atmosphere: 8

Quality: 10

Uniqueness: vii

Points: 25

If we talk nearly the world's biggest anime convention, Anime Expo is the 1 to this date. With over 100,000 attendees, it is one of the most popular anime expos all over the world.

This expo takes place in Los Angelos, California, and information technology was started in 1991, making it 1 of the earliest anime events every bit well. Bated from anime, they also requite gaming the same preference as well. Anime Expo ought to bring Japanese culture to engage more and more people in the anime department. This convention is full of cosplay events, concerts, and even autographs from the Idols.

Fun Fact

Whenever the Anime Expo takes place, each day is inaugurated with a formal ceremony. Seems interesting, Huh?

9. Tokyo Game Bear witness

Atmosphere: 8

Quality: 8

Uniqueness: 9

Points: 25

When it comes to providing the nigh unique concept, the Tokyo game show takes the cake. While this isn't quite an anime convention but more of an anime video game evidence. TGS is pop for getting in the headlines for years. I wouldn't be then surprised to know if you lot already know near it.

This video game evidence promotes gaming and anime culture. Y'all tin can take part in their video games and ace your most favorite anime game as well. Aside from gaming, just walking casually is the most fun in this convention.

All in all, if you want to feel the video game slash anime culture, TGS is your loving cup of tea.

Fun Fact:

It beats Anime Nihon due to the size of this issue. Makes information technology to the number second spot when nosotros talk about general events.

8. Globe Cosplay Pinnacle

Atmosphere: 9

Quality: 10

Uniqueness: 8

Points: 27

The all-time cosplay summit in Tokyo. Best in cosplays! The World Cosplay Summit is all virtually quality. The straightforward cosplay comparison makes it very fun and eye-catching. Perchance a little nervous about the cosplayers.

The Japanese cosplayers practise an awesome job when it comes to portraying the best anime conventions. If you alive in Tokyo, this is a must-visit place!

Fun Fact:

The judging criteria include acting abilities as well.

7. Wonder Festival

Temper: viii

Quality: 9

Uniqueness: x

Points: 27

We just can't compare Japanese anime expos to the world. They do an fantabulous job when it comes to providing the best possible conventions that will leave everyone in shambles.

The Wonder Festival is more like an anime expo for action figures. Sculptors from all across the land assemble in the Wonder Festival to showcase their latest inventions. If you're an action figure collector, Wonder Festival is your destination.

Fun Fact:

Despite existence geared towards activeness figures, a lot of people visit the Wonder Festival.

6. Animers

Atmosphere: 9

Quality: 10

Uniqueness: nine

Points: 28

As the name suggests, 'Animers' is all about making fans comfortable while attending an anime con. If yous're non into huge crowds, this anime event is an awesome way to brand friends while sitting done in a rather cozy style.

Moreover, Animers is an awesome place for foreign people to practice their Japanese speaking skills as well every bit increase their noesis about Japanese civilization too.

Are you unable to find any location of your choice when it comes to anime cons? Animers will definitely brand you comfortable.

Fun Fact:

A lot of English people visit Animers to practise their Japanese skills.

5. Bound Festa

Atmosphere: viii

Quality: x

Uniqueness: 10

Points: 28

When we talk well-nigh Anime Conventions, Jump Festa is the kickoff matter that comes to my mind. It is the most pop anime event over the globe. The event started in 1999 and became 1 of the world's largest anime cons.

It is held in one case per year, and they nowadays everything from anime, mangas, video games, gameplays, and game demos from big companies like Bandai Namco, Capcom, and even Foursquare Enix.

All in all, Bound Festa is nevertheless unbeatable when it comes to providing the best possible feel to Otakus.

Fun Fact:

Prior to Jump Festa, the name used to exist Jump Festa 2000.

iv. Nihon Expo

Temper: ix

Quality: 10

Uniqueness: nine

Points: 28

Japan Expo is the earth'southward largest anime con outside Japan! While the name is 'Japan', this anime convention occurs in France. In 2022, there were more than than 210,000 visitors that was such a fascinating thing to come across.

Japan Expo also extends to other places such every bit Kingdom of belgium. If yous're from France, you take to visit this anime expo that is based in Paris. The quality of cosplays is awesome, and the atmosphere is pretty relaxing as well.

Fun Fact:

Japan Expo has its own currency called 'Jens.' Yous tin can buy some pretty cool stuff from them.

3. Hyper Nippon

Atmosphere: ten

Quality: 10

Uniqueness: 9

Points: 29

Hyper Japan is another impressive convention that is based in London. The all-time thing well-nigh the Hyper Nippon expo is that it occurs two times a year. Ideal for summer vacations and even in the common cold winter, you lot won't exist missing out on anything.

Hyper Japan was at its peak in 2015 where more than than 85,000 people joined. If you are from London, y'all only demand to visit Hyper Japan to discover and experience the crawly anime civilisation.

Fun Fact

Experience the true Japanese culture by tasting the popular rice wine. Hyper Nippon Expo offers Rice Wine to people over the age of 18.

2. Comic Fiesta

Atmosphere: 10

Quality: nine

Uniqueness: 10

Points: 29

Malaysia has 1 of the largest anime fanbases, and when information technology comes to Comic Fiesta, information technology's no exception. With over 65,000 people in 2022, they were one of the virtually popular anime expos out there. Until the pandemic hit!

This anime con has the biggest office in bringing the anime culture in Malaysia besides! All in all, the most ideal place for people who desire to experience the existent culture integrated outside Japan.

Fun Fact:

They bring ii mini conventions in improver to the official ane. You lot won't be disappointed.

1.Comiket - The Rex of Conventions

Atmosphere: 10

Quality: 10

Uniqueness: 10

Points: 30

The most important convention when information technology comes to Nippon, fifty-fifty culturally, is Comiket. It is so of import that people camp out the night before this issue is started.

Now, do yous know if it's important or non? If not, let me explain. Well, you lot know what Comiket is, don't you?

Don't get me incorrect, information technology's withal the well-nigh culturally appropriate anime convention that occurs in Japan.

Set up For The Next Anime Convention?

I accept compiled the list of top 27+ Best Anime Expo, conventions, and events in the world, forth with pros and cons too. Anime conventions promote fun and Japanese culture. If you're from one of these countries that I've mentioned to a higher place, brand sure to check it out!

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